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【外務専門職】英文和訳(Donald Trump & Afghanistan)

 息子が生まれるまでは、毎年の年中行事で行っていた神戸ルミナリエ。皆さん意外と知らないのが、ルミナリエ当日も 神戸市役所1号館24階が無料開放されていて、すばらしい景色が見れることです。




神戸ルミナリエの後は、名古屋行きの最終の新幹線まで プレジールで神戸牛を堪能します。「せいろ蒸し」「鉄板焼き」ともに 戴いたことがあります。その中でも 播州の野菜が摂れてコストパフォーマンスも高い 誰もが 彦麻呂(例のやつです。)になってしまう「せいろ蒸し」がおすすめです。 





Sixteen years and counting
Donald Trump has bowed to his generals over Afghanistan
America’s president may not like the idea of strategic patience, but needs plenty of it

IT WAS an admission of a kind that Donald Trump rarely makes. In a televised address to the nation on August 21st, America’s president, reading carefully from a teleprompter, admitted that he had changed his mind about the war in Afghanistan. He said his instinct, after 16 years of not winning, had been to pull out. But after a thorough policy review he had decided to keep going.

That review, undertaken by the defence secretary, James Mattis, and the national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, had been completed by June. But Mr Trump, resistant to its conclusions and egged on by Steve Bannon, a critic of military intervention abroad who was then his chief political strategist, tried hard to find an alternative.



Donald Trumpがめったに作ってくれない種類のものが認められました。 8月21日の国民のテレビ番組で、テレンプロプターから慎重に読んだアメリカの大統領は、彼がアフガニスタンの戦争について心を変えたと認めた。 彼は16年間の勝利を逃した後、彼の本能は抜け出したと語った。 しかし、徹底的な政策審査の後、彼は続けることに決めました。

ジェームス・マッティス国防長官とマクマスター国家安全保障顧問が行ったこのレビューは、6月までに完了した。 しかし、トランプ氏は、その結論に抵抗し、彼のチーフ・ストラテジストだった海外の軍事介入の批評家、スティーブ・バノンによって、代替案を見つけようとしました。

One scheme, promoted by Mr Bannon and devised by Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, a controversial security firm, involved replacing American troops with 5,000 mercenaries. But on August 18th Mr Trump finally acquiesced to the plan set out by his national security team to send around 3,500-5,000 additional troops to Afghanistan. The prospect of Afghanistan again becoming a haven for the world’s most dangerous terrorists had overcome his aversion to fighting a seemingly unwinnable war. It may not have been a coincidence that Mr Bannon was removed from his job in the White House on the same day.

At first sight, the Afghan strategy announced by Mr Trump appears little different from that of his predecessor, Barack Obama. But it has some important—and welcome—differences, which Mr Trump was keen to emphasise while leaving it to Mr Mattis to decide the exact number of troops to send. Mr Mattis, a former marine general, and General McMaster know Afghanistan well. Both have served there. Mr Trump’s new chief of staff, John Kelly, commanded troops in Iraq and lost a son in Afghanistan. They and other American commanders were frustrated and quietly appalled by Mr Obama’s approach to Afghanistan in which troop numbers were cut to serve a domestic political timetable without regard to developments on the ground.


議論の的となっている警備会社Blackwaterの創設者であるErik Princeによって考案されたBannon氏の推進した1つの計画は、米軍を5,000人の傭兵に置き換えることを含んでいた。しかし、8月18日に、トランプ氏は最終的に、国家安全保障チームの計画に合意し、約3,500-5,000人の追加の軍隊をアフガニスタンに送った。アフガニスタンが再び世界で最も危険なテロリストの避難所になっていくという見通しは、見えない戦争と戦うという彼の嫌悪感を克服した。同日、バノン氏がホワイトハウスでの仕事から撤退したのは偶然ではないかもしれない。

一見すると、トランプ氏によって発表されたアフガニスタン戦略は、彼の前身であるバラク・オバマ氏の戦略とは少し異なるように見える。しかし、トランプ氏は重要な点と歓迎の点で相違があります。トランプ氏は、マーティス氏に送ることで、送る軍隊の正確な数を決めることを強調していました。元海兵隊長だったマッティス氏とMcMaster将軍はアフガニスタンをよく知っています。どちらもそこに奉仕しています。ジョン・ケリー(John Kelly)新司令官は、イラク駐留軍に命じ、アフガニスタンで息子を失った。オバマ大統領のアフガニスタンへのアプローチでは、彼らや他のアメリカの指揮官たちは、地面の発達に関係なく国内の政治的スケジュールに役立つために軍隊数を削減したことで、挫折し、静かに驚いた。

Since the beginning of 2015, when NATO ended its combat mission and handed full responsibility Afghanistan’s security to its ill-prepared forces, the Taliban insurgency has grown in strength. According to a report earlier this year by SIGAR (the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, a post created by Congress), the proportion of the country under uncontested government control had fallen during the 12 months to November 2016 from 72% to 57%. The attrition of Afghan security forces, say American commanders, is occurring at an unsustainable rate. In the year to November, 6,785 Afghan troops were killed and another 11,777 wounded. The Afghan National Security Forces have 370,000 troops and police. Between 2015 and 2016, 19 Americans were killed in action. Mr Obama had hoped to pull out even the remaining 8,400 American military trainers and advisers before he left office, but eventually he decided to leave that decision to his successor.

Not only will that number now be increased by 50%, but the restrictions on what they can do will be lifted. To minimise American casualties, Mr Obama had set rules that confined advisers to bases far from the action, instead of allowing them to be embedded with front-line combat units where their presence could create what John Allen, a former commander in Afghanistan, calls “an upward spiral of professionalism.” At the sharp end, battle-hardened trainers can help inexperienced officers become competent leaders and develop the skills needed to win fire-fights, among them the ability to call in air support and direct it accurately.

NATOが戦闘任務を終え、アフガニスタンの治安を不十分な軍に完全に任せた2015年の初めから、タリバンの反乱は強まった。今年のSIGAR(アフガニスタン復興特別捜査官、議会が作成したポスト)によると、非議会政府支配下の国の割合は、2016年11月までの12ヶ月間で72%から57%に減少した。アフガニスタンの治安部隊の鎮圧は、アメリカの指揮官たちは、持続不可能な速度で起こっていると言います。 11月には6,785人のアフガニスタン軍が死亡し、さらに11,777人が負傷した。アフガニスタンの国家安全保障部隊は37万人の兵士と警察を持っています。 2015年から2016年の間に19人のアメリカ人が殺害された。オバマ氏は辞任する前に残った8,400人のアメリカの軍事指導者と顧問を引き抜くことを望んでいたが、結局彼はその決定を彼の後継者に任せることに決めた。

その数は現在50%増えるだけでなく、できることの制限が解除されます。アメリカの死傷者を最小限に抑えるため、オバマ氏は、アフガニスタンの元指揮官であったジョン・アレン(John Allen)鋭い終わりでは、戦闘を強化したトレーナーは、経験の浅い役員が有能な指導者になるのを助け、消防士の戦闘に勝つために必要な技能を開発することができます。

Such skills will come in handy—it now looks as if American commanders will have much more freedom to deploy air power than they were allowed by Mr Obama. Mr Trump declared: “Micromanagement from Washington, DC, does not win battles. They are won in the field drawing upon the judgment and expertise of wartime commanders and front-line soldiers acting in real time, with real authority and with a clear mission to defeat the enemy, we must ensure they have every weapon to apply swift, decisive and overwhelming force.”

A third improvement on Mr Obama’s policy is that Mr Trump has heeded the advice of Mr Mattis that no time limits should be set on the duration of America’s mission in Afghanistan and that any changes in deployments will depend on conditions there. That is of critical importance. As long as the Taliban knew that all they had to do was wait for American and NATO soldiers to pack their bags and go home, there was no incentive for them even to consider political negotiations with Afghanistan’s government. With an open-ended commitment by America, the Taliban’s calculations could change.

このような技能が役立つでしょう - アメリカの指揮官が、オバマ氏の許可を受けたよりも空軍を展開する自由がはるかにあるかのように見えます。トランプ氏は次のように宣言した。「ワシントンDCのマイクロマネジメントは戦いに勝たない。戦時中の指揮官や現場の兵士が実権を持って行動し、敵を倒すという明確な任務をもってリアルタイムで行動している判断力と専門知識に基づいて、戦闘で勝利を収めています。そして圧倒的な力。


But it will remain very difficult for America to reach a point where it can reasonably claim success in Afghanistan. Mr Trump’s insistence that he is not in the business of nation-building is all very well. But without progress by the dysfunctional Afghan government in delivering security and basic services, the Taliban will retain a bedrock of support in the Pushtun south and east of the country.

Nor is there much prospect of enlisting the help of Afghanistan’s meddling neighbours. Mr Trump is right to take a tough line on Pakistan’s provision of sanctuary to the Taliban. But cutting off military aid to Pakistan would be a blunt instrument; in the past, withholding it has had little effect on the country’s behaviour. For all its interest in exploiting Afghanistan’s mineral wealth, China is reluctant to get involved. Perhaps most worryingly, Iran and Russia, always on the lookout for opportunities to undermine Western interests, are now working together to fund, arm and shelter the Taliban. Mr Trump may not care for “strategic patience”, but when it comes to Afghanistan he will need plenty of it.

