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国家公務員総合職・外務省専門職受験へのハードルを 少しでも下げたり、英語 や 多言語化に取り組みたい人へ大きな助けになるブログを目指します。

【国家総合職・外務専門職】 語彙力向上(10)

梅雨のジメジメした湿度の高い天気ですね。本格的な夏を迎える前に 梅雨疲れしないようにお互い健康管理していきましょう。実家の両親が、1歳半の息子に会いにきます。これから、その対応してきます。孫の顔を見せることも 親孝行のひとつです。本当に感謝しないといけないですね。


(1)The defense team believed that the women would not make a (     ) witness because she had already told the police two different versions of the incident.
  1 credible  2 pensive  3 submissive  4 vague
弁護団は、その女性は信頼できる証人にはならないと考えた。なぜなら彼女はすでに警察にその事件について2つの異なる説を証言していたからである。He will make a good cook.
The defense team believed that the women would not make a credible witness because she had already told the police two different versions of the incident.


(2)The politician is known as a witty and (     ) speaker, able to explain complex issues in a way that anyone can understand.
 1 vulgar  2 impassive  3 articulate  4 irate
The politician is known as a witty and articulate speaker, able to explain complex issues in a way that anyone can understand.

(3)The local council voted (     ) to extend the ban on sales of alcohol at the stadium. Even the three members who had previously opposed extension voted in favor.
1 dubiously 2 unanimously 3 monotonously 4 invariably
  その地方議会では、満場一致でスタジアムにおける酒類の販売の禁止を延長することに賛成した。前回の投票では延長に反対した3人の議員も賛成に回った。 invariably : 変化のない状態が続いて
The local council voted unanimously to extend the ban on sales of alcohol at the stadium. Even the three members who had previously opposed extension voted in favor.


(4)German Shepherd have an (    ) sense of smell, so they are often used to detect he presence of illegal drugs in baggage at airports.
  1acute  2 aggressive  3 intensive 4 indecent
acute :鋭い
German Shepherd have an acute sense of smell, so they are often used to detect he presence of illegal drugs in baggage at airports.


(5)All the dancers at the festival were (     ) dressed in colorful silk costumes with gold trim.
 1 expansively  2 heftily  3 flamboyantly  4 spaciously
All the dancers at the festival were flamboyantly dressed in colorful silk costumes with gold trim.

(6)When the fire alarm went off during the performance, there was (    ) .Everyone in the audience panicked and ran for the exits
 1 pandemonium  2 commiseration  3 oblivion  4 tedium
When the fire alarm went off during the performance, there was pandemonium. Everyone in the audience panicked and ran for the exits
(7)Plant these seeds and keep them indoors during the winter; then, a few weeks after they (      ) in the spring, replant them in flowerbeds outside.
 1 breed  2 sprou t 3 molt  4 ebb
冬の間、この種を植えて 室内で育てて、その後、春になって芽吹いた数週間後、外の花壇に植えなおしてあげる。
Plant these seeds and keep them indoors during the winter; then, a few weeks after they sprout in the spring, replant them in flowerbeds outside.

(8)The lost climber, who had been missing for nearly a week, was in relatively good spirits when she was found, although she looked (    ) from a lack of food and water.
 1 engulfed  2 emancipated  3 expelled  4 emaciated
食料と水の不足により、やせ細っているような様子だったが、ほぼ一週間行方不明になっていた登山家は、発見されたときには、比較的 しっかりとした意識があった。
The lost climber, who had been missing for nearly a week, was in relatively good spirits when she was found, although she looked emaciated from a lack of food and water.